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coffee in the morning

The benefits of drinking coffee in the morning

Coffee drink
Coffee in the morning
There are a lot of drinks that are consumed on a daily basis, such as tea, anise, coffee, and many more, and coffee is a well-known beverage around the world, as each country has a special and different way to prepare it, and it has a lot of benefits, it improves mood, provides the body with activity and vitality, when drinking moderately, and it is worth noting that most people drink it in the morning, and it has many benefits, and this is what we will learn in this article.

The right time for coffee. 

The best time to drink coffee is between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., according to many studies conducted on the human body, due to the fact that caffeine is more effective at this time.
The benefits of drinking coffee in the morning
Coffee improves mood, mental state, and reduces depression. It increases concentration, as well as helps the brain remember and preserve information.  Increases the vitality and activity in the human body. Increases body fat burning rate and is therefore beneficial for overweight people. It reduces stress and nervous frenzy, due to the scent of a cup of coffee. Protects against the risk of diseases, such as cancer, heart, and arteries, by 15 percent of the antioxidants contained in coffee.
Reduces some types of allergies and acute infections. Caffeine helps eliminate vascular congestion, thereby reducing headaches. Reduce the incidence of diabetes for those who take it regularly every morning. It contributes to increased physical activity and helps the body increase its endurance, leading to increased muscle and mental skills. Improve cholesterol levels, with antioxidants. Protects against cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Maintains healthy teeth, preventing sediment formation. Reduce the chance of paralysis and tremor. Maintains skin and health, protects against signs of aging and wrinkles. Contribute to the color of the hair, where coffee and conditioner are placed on the hair and left for 20 minutes. The body is free from dehydration, specifically in the feet. Reduce the risk of gallstones.

The harms of drinking coffee 
Affect blood vessels if they are drunk too much. Lifts eye pressure. Accelerate your heartbeat because it contains caffeine. It negatively affects the lungs and lung cancer for those who prefer to drink it with smoke. Raise fat in the blood. Lead to osteoporosis, making bones easy to break, especially for women. It hinders the absorption of iron in the blood, if taken immediately after eating.